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Speaking Opportunity

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Would you like a Plant & Food Research staff member to speak at an event? 

Please take a few moments to answer some brief questions about your event. We’ll be back in touch as soon as possible.

Other ways to contact us


For all other enquiries please email:


See our current vacancies on ourJob portal . You can also create a profile and sign up for alerts so you'll be kept up to date on roles that might fit your skill set.

Māori engagement

To get in touch with our Māori Strategy, Partnerships & Enterprise Team please email:

Plant varieties

Find more information on Plant & Food Research bred plant varieties please see our Plant varieties page.

Visiting our sites

See the locations of all our sites on the Locations page.

OIA requests

As a Crown Research Institute, Plant & Food Research is subject to the New Zealand Official Information Act (OIA). To contact us with a request under the OIA, please email:

For more information about the OIA, who can submit a request and the types of information that can be requested, please visit the Ombudsman's website.

Ombudsman New Zealand guidelines