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Food Innovation

Dr Jocelyn Eason

General Manager Science

I am passionate about science and innovation. I have a PhD in Plant Physiology from Otago University and an MBA from Massey University. I lead Plant & Food Research’s Food Innovation Portfolio, which includes teams that investigate human responses to food, the influence of food on human nutrition and wellness, and the sustainable production, development and supply of nutritionally-rich foods. We have expertise in postharvest, food, nutrition, consumer and analytical sciences to support New Zealand’s fresh produce, cereal grain and plant-based food & beverage sectors. We are enhancing our capabilities in circularity / total bioresource utilisation, food systems informatics and mātauranga as it applies to food and food systems. We want people to understand what’s good about their food, and increase their desire for better, tastier foods based on smart science. Together we are developing foods that are healthy, exciting, affordable and safe - Positive Foods – good for people and good for the planet